Monday, December 29, 2008

A message from the Head of Abu Dis Boys' School

29th Dec 08

The administration of Abu Dis school , teachers and students send the most beautiful greetings to you

Yesterday 28/12/2008 was a black day and difficult for the teachers and students at the School of Abu Dis and the people of the town of Abu Dis, because of the students attacked and arrested by the Israeli occupation army.

Students arrested:
1) Odi Khaled Mohsen, from eleventh grade.

Students also injured :
1) Ahmed Mustafa Ireqat, from eleventh grade.
2) Hammam Mohamed Muhsin, from twelfth grade, and severe injuries and is now in hospital and his condition is difficult. [See report below]

Yesterday we saw demonstrations in every country in the world in solidarity with the Palestinian people, as we have seen demonstrations in London ... All thanks and respect to you and to all those involved in support of the Palestinian people against Israeli aggression on Gaza.

HAMAM MOHAMMED MOHSEN (12th grade at Abu Dis Boys' School)

Report from Abu Dis 29th December 2008

Hamam Mohammed Mohsen 17 years old was shot in Abu Dis yesterday by Israeli soldiers. He was on a peaceful demonstration against the Israeli massacre in Gaza.

According to eye-witnesses, Hamam was shot in the middle of the street near the Water Society. An Israeli soldier who was hiding behind Abdullah Awad's shop shot him from a distance of 2 metres. Hamam was hit with three bullets before he fell down in the middle of the street no body was allowed to reach him. Two soldiers pulled Hamam's body and put him near one of the shops. He was bleeding till the ambulance arrived after 20 minutes. At first the soldiers refused to allow the Doctors of the ambulance to help him and they were not able to move him from the ground until they had been there for 40 minutes.

They took him to AlMaqased Hospital where he had a 10 hours surgery last night. There were two robber bullets in his brain and anther one was in his face. The surgery last night was just to clean the brain because there was also pieces of his skull smashed and they entered the brain. Because he was shot from so close, even if they were rubber bullets they were deadly.

Hamam who was supposed to start his tawjehi test exams today is now lying in the hospital with a very little hope to survive and even if he does, according to his doctor he will never speak, think or move again because the bullets destroyed most of his brain.

Today in the morning Hamam's father and mother managed to reach the hospital and they are still there waiting for any sign of life in their son. His class room friends have refusd to start their exams with out him. There is a general strike in Abu Dis as well as all the West Bank and things are getting worse.

Hampstead Staff Social for Abu Dis Boys' School

On 5th December, Hampstead School staff had a social to raise money for Abu Dis Boys' School. There were craft stalls and information and food for sale and over three hundred pounds were raised.

These will be used to help to buy a table-tennis table for the school in Abu Dis and keep the internet connection going there. (A note to people in Camden ... because of the fall in the value of the pound, we will still need more money to see this through to the end of the year)

Many thanks to Helen Saunders and to Rafeef for their hard work in making it happen.